
Showing posts from November, 2020

Bengali poem - Canvas painting : অতৃপ্ত

  অতৃপ্ত   ঠোঁটের কোনায় আলতো হাসি  অন্য গল্প বলে যাক সত্যিটা শুধু আয়না দেখুক  কষ্টটা নয় ব্যক্তিগত'ই থাক ।  সময়ের অবকাশে হারিয়ে গেছে ইচ্ছেগুলো,  মন-জমিটা আজ পরিত্যক্ত পাওয়াগুলো সব মানিয়ে নিলেও চাওয়া'গুলো আজও অতৃপ্ত । ।  চিত্রাঙ্কন : সায়নী কর্মকার।  কলমে : মৌমিতা কর  ।  তারিখ : ২৫শে নভেম্বর, ২০২০ । 


  PICTURIZATION Let us picturize a scene with the help of a poem; Although it is difficult to perform the same; Edward’s quote “A pen is mightier than a sword”. Let this line be expressed and explored. The bottom of the boat stands calmly touching the water; The gentle waves strike the hull for its course to alter; As if emptiness of the boat giving life to itself; Dividing the sand and water like an elf; A delicate communication went on between the boat and river; The boat, gazing at the vastness of the never ending water; Which is as beautiful to him as a charming princess; With her shades of blue as pure as a priestess; The sky above her being her father who watches; The sweet romance between them that touches The sky showered rain as an approval of their love; Giving them blessings with a smile from above.                                     ~Ayan Written by - Ayan Das Sharma.  A...