
Realisation In the journey of life, from a child to an adult; He possessed much,feeling mixed with praises and insult; Accepting experiences, both good and bad; And phases of time, being happy and sad; He fought many struggles, losing and winning some; Waiting for days and nights, for the rewards to come; He faced many hurdles killing his hopes; And question his fortune, "Am I bound with ropes?" One such day, he arrived a cliff; Where he saw the glowing sun and the cool water of relief; He came with the thought of ending his journey; And end his time and his life's attorney; But after coming, his thoughts turned to a wonder; As he related nature with his success and his blunder; He realised the need of balance in the universe; And life's two faces must be better and worse; Instead of giving away his life in river Nile; He threw his bag of sorrows with a gentle smile. ...