
Bengali Poem

  মুক্তি অভিযোগগুলো নিরবেই কত প্রশ্নের জাল বোনে ,  উত্তরটা আজও পায়নি মুক্তি পড়ে আছে এক কোনে ।  দূর হতে হতে হয়তো একদিন হারিয়ে যাবো ভীড়ে ,  আবদার সব ফিরিয়ে দেবো  স্মৃতির পাতা ছিঁড়ে ।  হয়তো হঠাৎই একদিন খেয়াল করবে যোগাযোগ নিভে গেছে অবহেলাতেই ,  তবে ফিরে তাকিয়ে দেখবে সেদিন তোমার মাঝে সেই আমি আর নেই ।  - মৌমিতা  চিত্রাঙ্কন - সায়নী কর্মকার।   


YOU   Take your time, but let it heal  Oneday you'll surely shine bright Just like a golden daffodil.  Life is a blend of ebb and flow,  The gift of happiness may come slow.  You just need to be strong enough,  To go beyond every smooth and rough.  Make your life a happy land Covered in aromatic lavender blue,  Just put on a smile and love yourself  Let them adore the magic in you.  - Moumita  Artwork : Sayani Karmakar.  Date : 8th January, 2022.

Bengali poem

তোমার এই নতুনের শহরে  আমি আজ বড্ড বেমানান ,  শব্দছকে জব্দ হয়ে ভুল হয়ে যায় বানান ।  তোমার ওই মায়াবী শহর  আমার এই একচালা ঘর ,  স্মৃতিগুলো ভিড় জমালেও তুমি আজ অন্য কারোর ।  এখন আমার সন্ধ্যা নামে  নিকোটিনের ধোঁয়ায় মিশে ,  আর রাতজাগা একাকিত্বরা পড়ে থাকে ভাঙা কার্নিশে ।                                     - মৌমিতা  চিত্রাঙ্কন - সায়নী কর্মকার তারিখ - ১১/১১/২০২১


Serenity   Amidst the Chaos, in search of peace  My restless soul just want to quiesce .  When despair started growing in me  I realised that my peace of mind is wild and free.  I've found that place ,  Where serenity arrives to ease the pain And the ambiance of silence brings the zen. Those peaceful moments embraces me  When I let my inner soul  resonate wide and loud ,  Cause now I've discerned that Serenity is the magical sanctum  Lurking behind the crowd .  - Moumita  20.09.2021 Artwork - Sayani Karmakar. 


Priorities     You should feel lucky  If you are someone's priority Not everyone has that fate ,  Yes, I've always trusted the wrong ones May be I was just an option for them That's why they left .  Over the days I could feel Those vibes are getting changed But how it happened  I had no clue,  Still I believe, its not the people  Who changes with time ,  It's just their priorities that do.                           - Moumita Date : 27th August, 2021. Artwork : Sayani 


Solo Kindly let me be alone. To walk these pathways solo, I was trusting you wouldn't take note, However, I think you definitely know. I realize I have issues  Furthermore, I'm attempting to fix them  Yet, what words can be sufficient  For a craving to try and say them. For each time I open my mouth, I wish that I had shut it. Recollecting the time I wrecked things, And, the vanishing moments. I give substantially too much,  Then, I realize that I shouldn't  Cause I have nothing left to give  So basically I realize I'm used to it. Discard the page,  So you can mess up the same way  Tear the edges so it frays. I simply need my hands to blur...                                     Written by -Nayanika Pal Artwork :  Priyangi  Date : 14th August, 2021


Realisation   In the journey of life, from a child to an adult; He possessed much,feeling mixed with praises and insult; Accepting experiences, both good and bad; And phases of time, being happy and sad; He fought many struggles, losing and winning some; Waiting for days and nights, for the rewards to come; He faced many hurdles killing his hopes; And question his fortune, "Am I bound with ropes?" One such day, he arrived a cliff; Where he saw the glowing sun and the cool water of relief; He came with the thought of ending his journey; And end his time and his life's attorney; But after coming, his thoughts turned to a wonder; As he related nature with his success and his blunder; He realised the need of balance in the universe; And life's two faces must be better and worse; Instead of giving away his life in river Nile; He threw his bag of sorrows with a gentle smile.                               ...